A collaboration with Dalia Husseini & Guilaine Elias.
Location | Beirut, Lebanon
This proposal was done for House of Today's call for designers to think about soap.
With the ongoing pandemic, soap has taken a strict hygienic emphasis. The gesture related to soap has become
mechanical, abrasive and aseptic. The soap stone palette is about redefining the interaction with soap and
reinstating a slow enjoyable and mindful ritual around it.
We reflected on different means of applying and feeling soap on the skin using several tools such as: brush, sponge, sustainably sourced rubber. The palette offers different soap properties, highlighting: hydrating, exfoliating, and scrubbing.
The ambition is to enhance a customizable wellbeing experience.
Soap stone is in reminiscence of Ancient Egypt culture, for whom life was a celebration.
Instinctively, beauty and personal hygiene was an important cultural value. Cosmetic and bath products served for beauty, protection, self-esteem and honoring.
The shape embodies the animalistic references used in ancient Egypt. The material is painted clay. The production is predominantly artisanal and all the soaps can be refilled.